Just chillin'
Pooja Sethi

Hello 👋🏾

I build technology to solve human problems.

I'm interested in language as a medium of interacting with machines.

Opinions expressed on this site are my own.

Connect 🧩

Email: [lastname].[firstname]@gmail.com

Tweet: @pjasethi

Hi, I'm Pooja.

I'm a machine learning engineer, researcher, and writer.

My primary research and engineering interests are in NLP and its applications. I'm a current CS M.S. student at Stanford.

Previously, I was a Senior Machine Learning Engineer on the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) team at Facebook Reality Labs. Among other things, I built AutoNLU, a tool for data programming and active learning for NLP. I also spent some time as a Senior Software Engineer at Impira using Transformers to extract information from, classify, and cluster documents.

I graduated from the University of Washington in 2017, with a B.S. in Computer Engineering. One of the highlights of my time at UW was working on Respeak, which developed my intersecting interests in NLP, Systems, and HCI. My research received the Best Undergraduate Honors Thesis Award. I also tinkered as a machine learning and software engineering intern at Instagram, Google, and Microsoft.

The best way to reach me is via email.